The Best

Cigar Experience

in The Treasure Valley

Based on 193 reviews
Amazing cigar lounge, great selection of cigars and liquors with an amazing staff
Ray Frazer
Ray Frazer
Enjoyed an evening with fine friends, fine cigars, and poker. Service was wanting, but a good time nonetheless.
Paul Wilmot
Paul Wilmot
Great selection of both cigars and whiskey….would definitely go again.
Jason Fuller
Jason Fuller
Great cigar selection and a very good menu of Bourbon and Scotch. Their Old Fashioned was very good as well (made with Templeton 4 yr Rye. I’ll definitely be back.
Walter Nau
Walter Nau
Met some great people from CA. Relax, just visiting.
Rod Gould
Rod Gould
Great experience and very helpful staff
Tyler Brady
Tyler Brady

The Treasure Valley's Premiere Cigar Shop

Relationship Aficionados

In the Summer of 2014, Josh & Lori Evarts identified a strategic location for a permanent cigar lounge in the heart of the Treasure Valley. This location was built in 1905 as a bank for the city of Meridian, Idaho. Over the past 100+ years, it has served as a bank, post office and local dry cleaner.

The Vault has been carefully curated to deliver an exceptional cigar smoking experience.  

The Vault Cigar Lounge | Meridian, Idaho
Vault Cigar Lounge Boise Meridian Eagle Caldwell Nampa Idaho
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